Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Affirmations of Abundant Supply:

* I am now open to receive.
* Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.
* I now have surplus, all my needs are being met.
* I have unlimited abundance.
* I now give and receive freely.
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now live in a rich and loving universe.
* Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am always supplied with whatever I need.
* I move forward with an expectancy of my greatest good.
* I look for and receive a bountiful supply.
* My greatest good is coming to me NOW
 Wealth is pouring into my life.
 I am a money magnet!
 I am free of debt
 My income is constantly increasing
 I am prosperous, money flows to me from many sources.
 I have more than enough money to fulfill all of my needs and desires
 Unexpected income flows to me
 People love to give me money.
 All of the money I could ever want is flowing to me now.
 I am prosperous
 I love money and money loves me
 I am wealthy
 Money flows to me easily in Avalanches of Abundance.
 I always have enough money
 I am now accumulating large sums of money I have positive financial balance at all times
 I am debt free
 I am a money magnet.
 I make money quickly easily and have fun
 Wealth is flowing into my life.
My eyesight is getting better
I can see better
I can focus at all distances
I can see better in the dark
My eyes are improving
My visual system is perfectly healthy
I see clearer and clearer
I see with love. joy and harmony
I see better than 20/20
I release all blocks to perfect eyesight
I now create the life i love to look at
I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence
I feel completely safe and happy to see
I accept Divine Guidance and am always safe
All beliefs that hinder eyesight improvement are gone forever
My eyes are perfectly healthy
I am strong and well. I am a soul. I have a body. I am master over
I can be what I will to be. I will be what I will to be. All good things are
within me.I am one with the Infinite. I am pure spirit, and spirit is perfect. I am filled with the
fullness of life.
I am filled with the spirit of health. I am perfectly free and always shall be. I have perfect
health in abundance.
I have life and power in abundance. I am well, I am well, I am well. I am strong, I am
strong, I am strong.
I am perfect in being, through and through. I am peace, I am joy, I am harmony. Nothing but the
good shall come to me.
I desire nothing but that which is good. I am pure and clean in thought and speech. I shall seek only
the right in every action.
"Every day, in every way, I am getting better, better and better.
"Every day in every way, my eyes are getting better, better, and better.
"Every time I blink, my eyes are getting better, better and better.
"Every time I blink, my eyes are getting clearer and stronger, stronger and clearer.
"Every time I blink, my eyes get clearer, clearer and clearer.
"My eyes are clearer today than they were yesterday.
"My eyes will be clearer tomorrow than they are today.
"Every day, in every way, I am getting better, better and better."
1. I know I can see clearly without eyeglasses.
2. I see more clearly when I'm relaxed and centered.
3. I see clearly when I am here now.
4. I can have clear vision today. I can see clearly today.5. I can notice clear vision today.
6. I do notice that I see more clearly every day.
7. I see more clearly than I did before.
8. My vision is improving now.
9. I choose clarity.
10. I see clarity coming.
11. I know what clarity is, and I experience it more and more each day.
12. I remember clarity, and I am returning to clarity.
13. Clarity is my natural state.
14. Clarity is what is true for me.
15. Clarity is freedom, and being real.
16. Clarity exists here and now.
17. My vision is clearing now.
18. I know I can see clearly now.
19. I see more clearly now.
20. My mind is reaching out and bringing to my awareness any information I need to
experience clear vision.
21. I know that my experiences lead me to clear vision.
22. I accept new ways of thinking and seeing which are clearer for me.
23. My vision continues to clear as I adjust to my new state of consciousness.
24. I accept what I see, and I see more clearly.
25. Acceptance and love lead to clarity.
26. I'm letting myself be real, and watching my vision clear.
27. It's more and more comfortable to be myself, and see clearly..
28. I trust being real, and I see clearly.
29. When I do what I really want to do, something wonderful always happens
30. I am free!
31. As I clear my life, my vision clears.
32. Instead of problems, I see solutions. I see the way things can work.
33. I see that everything is working perfectly.
34. Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.
35. It's easier and easier to see clearly.
36. I enjoy seeing clearly.
37. I love when I see clearly.
38. Today I choose to see the love.
39. Clearing my vision is easier than I thought.
40. I agree with these statements.
41. Affirmations always work

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