Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Appreciate Your Heart's Desire

What is your heart's desire? Do you have more than one? Most of us do. 

However, take a moment to think of ONE thing that would thrill you if it happened. Perhaps it would be total financial freedom; maybe it would be connecting with the love of your life; maybe it would even be something less tangible, like feeling truly peaceful and happy regardless of anything else outside of you. 

Think about this one thing and appreciate it for being part of your experience. Appreciate the way it fills you with eagerness and excitement. Appreciate the way thinking about it gets your heart beating faster, your belly filling with butterflies, and your anticipation meter pegged to the max! 

Even though you could view this unfulfilled desire as an annoyance or a frustration, you can also see it as a way to feel inspired and excited. You can see it as something that gets powerful positive energy flowing through your body, and that energy feels amazing. 

Now, for a moment or two, imagine that you have this object or experience you desire. It is already fulfilled. How do you feel about that? Appreciate the essence of what this fulfilled desire has contributed to your life. Do you feel more secure? Happier? More peaceful? More joyful? Grateful? Relieved? 

Immerse yourself in those feelings and let them consume you. Appreciate the sensation of feeling so complete and fulfilled. 

Stay with these feelings for as long as you like, and then get ready because more and more desires will be coming to you soon. Fulfill one, conceive another. Fulfill that one, and more will be right behind it. 

See the next 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 years of your life as an endless progression of exciting, life-giving desires coursing through you, drawing energy and life, and being manifest in physical form. It never has to end. You can allow the delicious anticipation of wanting new and exciting experiences to keep your entire body, mind and spirit charged with energy and enthusiasm. 

Doesn't that feel good? :-)

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