Monday, September 29, 2014

PGB investment scheme

PGB Scheme

Dear All,

At PGB Equity Solutions we select top stocks of BSE and NSE based on their price, volume pattern, stability and on plethora of established technical analysis and then we use them in our state of the art stock research tool to generate some valuable data out of it. Minimum investment Rs 5000. Investor will get 25 % return on investment for a period of 60 days, the amount will be invested in Top Blue chip stocks.Your investments are safe and highly profit making when you are investing in good companies.







Thanks & Regards,
Pramod G Belchada

Saturday, September 27, 2014

money mantra

I am a powerful abundant being with plenty of money.
I have plenty of money and feel financially secure and at ease.
I joyfully receive plenty of money for the services I provide.
I always have enough money to do anything I desire.
I am always guided towards decisions that make my life richer.
The money I spend returns to me in 10 times the amount.
I am becoming more and more financially free everyday in everyway.
I have a great relationship with money, money is my friend.
I am soooo grateful for the money that I do have.
Everybody is supporting me in creating financial abundance.
Abundance is my natural state of being.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Affirmations of Abundant Supply:

* I am now open to receive.
* Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.
* I now have surplus, all my needs are being met.
* I have unlimited abundance.
* I now give and receive freely.
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now live in a rich and loving universe.
* Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am always supplied with whatever I need.
* I move forward with an expectancy of my greatest good.
* I look for and receive a bountiful supply.
* My greatest good is coming to me NOW
 Wealth is pouring into my life.
 I am a money magnet!
 I am free of debt
 My income is constantly increasing
 I am prosperous, money flows to me from many sources.
 I have more than enough money to fulfill all of my needs and desires
 Unexpected income flows to me
 People love to give me money.
 All of the money I could ever want is flowing to me now.
 I am prosperous
 I love money and money loves me
 I am wealthy
 Money flows to me easily in Avalanches of Abundance.
 I always have enough money
 I am now accumulating large sums of money I have positive financial balance at all times
 I am debt free
 I am a money magnet.
 I make money quickly easily and have fun
 Wealth is flowing into my life.
My eyesight is getting better
I can see better
I can focus at all distances
I can see better in the dark
My eyes are improving
My visual system is perfectly healthy
I see clearer and clearer
I see with love. joy and harmony
I see better than 20/20
I release all blocks to perfect eyesight
I now create the life i love to look at
I am now willing to see my own beauty and magnificence
I feel completely safe and happy to see
I accept Divine Guidance and am always safe
All beliefs that hinder eyesight improvement are gone forever
My eyes are perfectly healthy
I am strong and well. I am a soul. I have a body. I am master over
I can be what I will to be. I will be what I will to be. All good things are
within me.I am one with the Infinite. I am pure spirit, and spirit is perfect. I am filled with the
fullness of life.
I am filled with the spirit of health. I am perfectly free and always shall be. I have perfect
health in abundance.
I have life and power in abundance. I am well, I am well, I am well. I am strong, I am
strong, I am strong.
I am perfect in being, through and through. I am peace, I am joy, I am harmony. Nothing but the
good shall come to me.
I desire nothing but that which is good. I am pure and clean in thought and speech. I shall seek only
the right in every action.
"Every day, in every way, I am getting better, better and better.
"Every day in every way, my eyes are getting better, better, and better.
"Every time I blink, my eyes are getting better, better and better.
"Every time I blink, my eyes are getting clearer and stronger, stronger and clearer.
"Every time I blink, my eyes get clearer, clearer and clearer.
"My eyes are clearer today than they were yesterday.
"My eyes will be clearer tomorrow than they are today.
"Every day, in every way, I am getting better, better and better."
1. I know I can see clearly without eyeglasses.
2. I see more clearly when I'm relaxed and centered.
3. I see clearly when I am here now.
4. I can have clear vision today. I can see clearly today.5. I can notice clear vision today.
6. I do notice that I see more clearly every day.
7. I see more clearly than I did before.
8. My vision is improving now.
9. I choose clarity.
10. I see clarity coming.
11. I know what clarity is, and I experience it more and more each day.
12. I remember clarity, and I am returning to clarity.
13. Clarity is my natural state.
14. Clarity is what is true for me.
15. Clarity is freedom, and being real.
16. Clarity exists here and now.
17. My vision is clearing now.
18. I know I can see clearly now.
19. I see more clearly now.
20. My mind is reaching out and bringing to my awareness any information I need to
experience clear vision.
21. I know that my experiences lead me to clear vision.
22. I accept new ways of thinking and seeing which are clearer for me.
23. My vision continues to clear as I adjust to my new state of consciousness.
24. I accept what I see, and I see more clearly.
25. Acceptance and love lead to clarity.
26. I'm letting myself be real, and watching my vision clear.
27. It's more and more comfortable to be myself, and see clearly..
28. I trust being real, and I see clearly.
29. When I do what I really want to do, something wonderful always happens
30. I am free!
31. As I clear my life, my vision clears.
32. Instead of problems, I see solutions. I see the way things can work.
33. I see that everything is working perfectly.
34. Every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better.
35. It's easier and easier to see clearly.
36. I enjoy seeing clearly.
37. I love when I see clearly.
38. Today I choose to see the love.
39. Clearing my vision is easier than I thought.
40. I agree with these statements.
41. Affirmations always work

Money Affirmations

1. Eliminate from your mind any beliefs in lack of money
2. Eliminate from your mind the belief that "it is hard to make money"
3. Eliminate from your mind the belief that it is only possible to
make money through a hard, painful, limiting job
4. Eliminate from your mind any belief in debt. This insidious belief
will keep you in debt
5. Eliminate from your mind any belief in LOSS. This destructive
belief will make you lose what little you may have
6. Eliminate from your mind limiting thoughts such as "It is too
expensive", "I cannot afford it", "There is never enough",
"I never have enough"
7. Open your mind to receive money from any source and any direction,
even in the most unexpected ways
8. Start to appreciate, love and even bless whatever amount of money
you now have. Say to yourself "Money is good. Money is wonderful.
I love money and money loves me". This will signal your mind and
the universe to send you even more money
9. Eliminate from your mind any resentment, condemnation or criticism of
rich people. These thoughts will keep money away from you
10. Appreciate all the wealth and riches surrounding you. Appreciate the
riches and wealth of others. Use the HUNA technique and whenever you
see something you desire for yourself bless it and also bless its owner.
11. Always be thankful and grateful for whatever money you have. These
attitudes will attract more money into your life and multiply it
12. Appreciate and even bless every dollar bill (of any denomination) or
any coins you come in contact with
13. Love yourself and always put yourself first.
14. Remember to always pay yourself first. Pay your creditors AFTER you
have paid yourself. This behavior will send a clear signal to your
Subconscious mind and the entire universe that you always come first
and that you deserve wealth
15. Believe you were born to win, you were born to be rich and that you
deserve to be wealthy simply because you were born on this planet.
That's reason enough for you to have wealth
16. Take some time during the day and imagine how you will use the wealth
you have. In your imagination, buy that house, that car, those things
you desire. Let go of the thought that "I cannot afford it"
17. Instead of worrying about any money problems, do your best to WORRY
about all the money coming your way and how in the world you are going
to spend it to make you and others happy. Really WORRY about it
18. Do your best to start ACTING AS IF you are already rich, a millionaire.
Constantly ask yourself "How/what would a millionaire think or speak
in this situation?" Then, think and speak from that millionaire mindset.
19. Constantly keep telling yourself over and over that "It is real easy
for me to make money, as much money as I desire"
20. Keep telling yourself over and over every single day that "I am a money
magnet. I attract money like a magnet. I attract money quickly, easily,
effortlessly and having fun. Money is now coming to me from every source
and every direction in avalanches of abundance."
21. The Subconscious responds very well to very exact amounts of money.
Therefore, set a definite amount of money you want to attract into your
life. Keep telling yourself over and over that you are attracting that
amount quickly, easily, effortlessly and having FUN!

How to attract money

How to Attract Money with the Law of Attraction

Once you understand how the Law of Attraction works, using it to attract money and other forms of abundance is really easy to do - or it SEEMS like it should be easy.  Just decide what you want, visualize it, say a few affirmations and watch it drop into your lap.
Whoops, it doesn't always work that way, does it?
How do you attract money and abundance anyway? It's very much like putting a puzzle together. All of the pieces are already there, but you need to put them together in a specific way in order to see the big picture.
If the pieces are out of place, or if you try to jam them in sideways, what happens? Nothing.
It works the same way when people try to attract money using the Law of Attraction - if they're not putting all the pieces together in the right way - nothing happens.

Has this been your experience with the Law of Attraction?
  • Have you been able to attract SOME money, but not quite enough?
  • Have you been able to attract substantial amounts but not on a consistent basis? 
If so, read on because I'm going to share some insights into why this happens.
By the way, this happens even to people who are well versed in using the Law of Attraction! It's not just beginners who struggle! No matter how much you KNOW on an intellectual level, you can still get it wrong when you put it into action.
However, you'll be glad to know that even when you seem to be hopelessly blocked, all that's usually required is a few easy tweaks in your approach and the blockages dissolve.

Common Mistakes People Make in Attracting Money

Did you know that there are common mistakes that people make when attempting to attract money and other forms of abundance?
Some of these mistakes are:
  • Getting frustrated with their current circumstances so they keep focusing on lack.
  • Constantly "looking" at their current circumstances to see if anything has changed yet.
  • Being inconsistent with the techniques and time they put in to the process.
  • Giving 90% of their focus to things they DON'T want, and 10% to things they DO want.
  • Doubting that they have what it takes to attract more money. 

Unfortunately, most people have no idea they are doing these things - and they ultimately conclude that the Law of Attraction doesn't work and give up.
Have you done this? Or are you about to give up now?
You'll be glad to know that mastering your ability to attract money and abundance is a simple matter of learning how to master your own thoughts. Let's go over the basics for attracting money with the Law of Attraction so you can see how it works:

How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

The Law of Attraction is described as a universal force that responds to your energetic "signal" - which is a mixture of your dominant thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
The general concept is:
  • If most of your thoughts are "positive" you will get back mostly positive experiences.
  • If most of your thoughts are "negative" you will get back mostly negative experiences. 

Notice above I said "GENERAL" - and that's because you don't have to specifically think about something in order to attract it - your thoughts just have to be aligned with events of that frequency (or events of that "nature").
For example:
Problems, financial obstacles, and turmoil are compatible with a "negative" frequency.
Joy, abundance, love, and happiness are compatible with a more "positive" frequency.

Here's the basic manifestation process in a nutshell:
  • Every thought you think is MAGNETIC - and will attract other corresponding thoughts.

  • Every thought you think triggers a corresponding FEELING.
  • Your feelings emit a "SIGNAL" to the universe.
  • The universe returns EXPERIENCES that are aligned with that signal.
  • Which triggers more corresponding thoughts and feelings, and the cycle continues. 
Do you see how it would be possible to get "stuck" repeating the same negative cycles over and over again for years?
The more you think about the negativity, the more negative you feel, and the more negative you feel, the more negative experiences the universe will keep sending - which makes you think and feel more negatively - on and on it goes!

Breaking the Cycle of Lack and Scarcity

In order to start attracting money (and other forms of abundance) into your life, you need to become more aligned with abundance than lack, which basically means STOP FOCUSING on lack and scarcity, and START FOCUSING on abundance.
Easier said than done, right!?
But it doesn't have to be hard if you start with one thought at a time.
  • Rather than investing your energy into worrying about how you're going to pay the bills, you can CHOOSE to believe that the money will come.
  • Rather than feeling angry that your circumstances are so difficult right now, you can eagerly look forward to things getting better and better. 

Yes, it definitely takes practice to get the hang of this!
That's because your thoughts are magnetic so they will keep attracting like thoughts. For a little while you will still keep thinking thoughts of lack and struggle simply because that's what you're used to doing. Thoughts like this will just keep popping back into your mind so it seems like you are not in control of it.
But if you keep at it, little by little you will tip the balance and thinking more positive thoughts will get easier.

"Seeing" a Better Reality 

Visualization can be really helpful in shifting your thoughts from lack to abundance, and you don't have to spend a lot of time on it either - just 10 or 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference in attracting better experiences.
How exactly do you "visualize" more abundance?
Visualization refers to seeing images in your mind, but you may be surprised to know that when it comes to the Law of Attraction you don't necessarily have to "see" anything to get results.
The only thing that matters is that you FEEL the essence of what you are visualizing.
For example, if you were visualizing your dream home, you would probably imagine what it looked like, how the rooms were laid out, how the land looked, and so on. But even if you couldn't form mental pictures of how it looked - you could still easily FEEL what it would be like to be there, right?
You would probably feel very peaceful, comfortable, relaxed, happy, carefree, joyful, and so on.
It works the same if you were to imagine having plenty of money. What would that FEEL like to you? Would you feel excitedSecureHappyFulfilledFree?
When you consistently spend time each day tuning into these feelings, you become receptive to the means and resources to make these feelings REAL in your physical surroundings.

 also work in a similar way.
As you recite phrases related to having abundance, wealth and prosperity, you begin to feel more abundant, wealthy and prosperous - which should begin attracting more of that reality to you.

Lyf Xperience!

"Experience life in all possible ways -- good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all the dualities. Don't be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become." ~Osho
I've got a little question for you.  What if all the worry, fear, guilt and emotional pain you've experienced in your life was not something you had to go through, yet was a "gift" that was optional?  There are many things that we assume are true in life, only later we realize they weren't that way at all.   I find one of the things people unconsciously do that create extra suffering is resist opening up to the possibility that worry, fear and emotional agony is not required. One of the most unconscious beliefs I feel people have is they have forgotten their power to simply stop choosing the path they are on, and decide to have a different experience.  Enlightenment is simply a shift in perspective on reality that creates a completely new experience of life. Once you realize how EASY it is to climb out of the past traumatic trench you've been in, you'll empower yourself with a new type of thinking that liberates you instantly from that old "comfortable" suffering that may be used to living in.
 The first place to start is understanding what causes suffering in the first place?  All suffering is caused by either an attachment to a positive outcome, or avoidance of a negative outcome.  If you simply flow with the constant river of life's experiences, you will not cling to the bank nor try to swim upstream.  Life will simply carry you from one moment to the next, from the deepest valley to the highest peak and then back down into the cool valley again.  If you learn how to let go, embrace and allow for each passing experience to occur, the pendulum will soon swing back the other way again.
Now you may be thinking that there are many types of suffering that human beings have no control over, that its not their fault and physically impossible for them not to be in a state of suffering.   This my friend is simply not true.  When the truth is seen, felt and known it is crystal clear that every perpetual experience of suffering is self imposed.  Now if someone steps on your toes, you will have a few moments of pain and agony, yet this too shall pass.  If you've contracted a major illness that causes you physical daily pain, this suffering is also self imposed because 21st century science now  knows that all "dis-ease" is rooted in some psychosomatic pattern.  This means that their is some painful memory, negative emotion, or uncomfortable feeling that the person has not fully embraced, healed and released internally.  There are tens of thousands of documented cases around the world where people have healed themselves of every disease out there.  With a little google research, you to will come to understand the power we have to heal ourselves with our minds.
Most of the suffering that people experience on a daily basis is more emotional and mental anguish about perceived problems that exist.  There's not enough money to pay the bills so that creates a tension in the body, and a continuous anxiety in the mind.  After years of holding this type of tension the body may need to manifest it as a "dis-ease" in order to release it.  Whatever you resist, persists.  If that person simply accepted and embraced the feeling of never having enough money, they would relax, the creative juices would begin to flow, and they'd soon discover a new inspiring way to generate a higher income.
 All the problems that you think are real, are not.  They are mere fabrications in your mind.  The mind becomes attached to or in avoidance of a certain experience, and instantly the body retracts with sensations of pain.  When you can remain balanced, in the middle between attachment and avoidance, you won't get trapped on one side or the other.  You can ride the edge of life, on the "third side" of the coin. This is where you can take the higher spiritual path which simply embraces each experience as the "right" experience in each new moment.  When you can stay in a state of constant equanimity with life, the most enlightening experiences pour directly into you. 
It's good to know that on a soul level, there are no victims here.  We are each playing a karmic game of "catch and release" with the law of attraction. Meaning, whatever experience you catch and cannot release, it will soon expand and eventually manifest into your life.  If you keep attracting the same challenging experiences and types of relationships to you, there must be some behavior pattern deep in your past that you haven't fully released and found peace with.  With just a little introspection into yourself, preferably out in nature, the Universe can help you unravel yourself and uncover what your old pattern is so as to free yourself from this great misunderstanding.
Why would your soul choose to take on a body and go through this crazy set of challenges here on Earth?  If you didn't have any challenges, how would you know what freedom was like.  Without knowing struggle and strife, you simply couldn't know what bliss, joy or ecstasy was like.  Yet the suffering most people remain in are because they don't want to look inside and see why they are choosing this experience.  They believe they are a powerless angry victim in life and were just dealt a bad deck of cards.  This is simply not true.  We are all divine beings connected intimately to the God-Source.  The suffering you incur is simply an opportunity to explore the valley, so that when you rise to the peak you become conscious of life's perpetual pendulum before it swings back into the valley again.  By fully embracing the agony of loss in your life, one day you will swing into the opposite experience of great joy and liberation.
"Stop imagining yourself being or doing this or that and the realization that
you are the source and heart of all will dawn on you."  ~ Nisargadatta Maharaj

 The soul is an open door that truly is open to have any experience on Earth.  It is the mind that determines which experiences it must cling to or resist.  The mind is like a pendulum that constantly swings back and forth.  It does this so that you can find the middle ground.  It wants you to equalize, take all your past pain and use it to propel you into creating some future state of bliss. No action, belief or thought that you become attached to in life has zero consequences.  Each movement of the pendulum causes another swing in a new direction.  When you become aware enough, and truly conscious of each rising thought and feeling inside you, then you will be from from the karmic pattern and begin living as a spiritually awakened conscious being.
So what can you do to relieve yourself of suffering today?  Perhaps you are in perpetual pain in the physical body from a trauma, or living day to day with mental and emotional anguish over money, relationships, job, health or your future.  You can rationalize and intellectualize your predicament until you're blue in the face, yet this will only create more struggle in emotional resistance.  It's good to know that while some suffering is easier to transcend than others, they all have one thing in common.   They are based in an assumption that there is a separate thing called "me" or "I" who is attached to and over-identifying with some thought.  When you can detach from the "me" so that it has nothing to do with the mind or body, and see that it too is also just another thought you've created, you can unhook yourself from anything.  The idea that this thought of "me" is permanent and absolutely real, is another assumption.  What if there really was no separate "me", and you did not get identified with anything and simply merged with each passing experience?  Who would there be to suffer?  When the identification ceases with this idea of "me", suffering instantly dissipates, and true freedom is known again.   

There is nothing more powerful to practice than the awareness of who you truly are.  This in itself will allow you to transcend any personal experience of suffering.  The state of transcendence can be found by focusing on that which is beyond all thought.  It is found in the silence between your thoughts, in the pause between your breathes.  You are here to discover the divine infinite soul that you are, and know yourself as an unlimited spiritual being, which will free you from any state of suffering instantly.  Knowing you are an eternal, formless spirit at the core, a very peaceful, expansive state is found.  You can then easily step back from your thoughts and see them for what they truly are.  They are simply thoughts.  The day you do this, you've taken the first giant leap into claiming total freedom and enlightenment in this lifetime

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rupees Dimension

5 Indian rupees
Banknote of 5 Indian rupees has dimensions 117×63 mm and main colors are asparagus, umber, pale silver and ash grey.  
5 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 5 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948).
5 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 5 Indian rupees is showing the farmer ploughing with a tractor while sun is rising.

10 Indian rupees
Banknote of 10 Indian rupees has dimensions 137×63 mm and main colors are peach puff, cinereous, tumbleweed and pale taupe.  
10 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 10 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948).
10 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 10 Indian rupees is showing the rhinoceros, elephant and tiger.

20 Indian rupees
Banknote of 20 Indian rupees has dimensions 148×63 mm and main colors are apricot, vivid tangerine, deep chestnut and cosmic latte.  
20 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 20 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948).
20 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 20 Indian rupees is showing the seashore view with coconut palm trees.

50 Indian rupees
Banknote of 50 Indian rupees has dimensions 147×73 mm and main colors are thistle, vanilla, pastel purple, cinereous and desert sand.  
50 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 50 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948).
50 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 50 Indian rupees is showing the Parliament House of India.

100 Indian rupees
Banknote of 100 Indian rupees has dimensions 157×73 mm and main colors are medium jungle green, ash grey, cambridge blue and pearl.  
100 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 100 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948).
100 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 100 Indian rupees is showing the Himalaya mountains and clouds.

500 Indian rupees
Banknote of 500 Indian rupees has dimensions 167×73 mm and main colors are pale spring bud, tan, umber and blond.  
500 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 500 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) and the National Emblem of India - Lion Capital of Asoka (Ashoka column), sculpted from sandstone, preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The wheel "Ashoka Chakra" on it's base is a centerpiece of National Flag of India and "Satyameva Jayate" National Motto of India* is inscribed under it.
500 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 500 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mahatma Gandhi and his followers.

1000 Indian rupees
Banknote of 1000 Indian rupees has dimensions 177×73 mm and main colors are desert sand, grullo, papaya whip and misty rose.  
1000 Indian rupees (Obverse)
Obverse side of the 1000 Indian rupees is showing the portrait of Mohendas Karamchand "Mahatma" Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) and the National Emblem of India - Lion Capital of Asoka (Ashoka column), sculpted from sandstone, preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erected around 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The wheel "Ashoka Chakra" on it's base is a centerpiece of National Flag of India and "Satyameva Jayate" National Motto of India* is inscribed under it.
1000 Indian rupees (Reverse)
Reverse side of the 1000 Indian rupees is showing the economy of India: grain harvesting combine, oil rig, space satellite dish, metallurgy and girl working on a computer.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

PGB Investment Scheme

At PGB Equity Solutions we select top stocks of BSE and NSE based on their price, volume pattern, stability and on plethora of established technical analysis and then we use them in our state of the art stock research tool to generate some valuable data out of it. Minimum investment Rs 5000. Investor will get 25% return on investment for a period of 60 days, the amount will be invested in Top Blue chip stocks.Your investments are safe and highly profit making when you are investing in good companies.
Great investment opportunity (for clients)








Pramod Belchada
Portfolio Manager