Wednesday, September 24, 2014

How to attract money

How to Attract Money with the Law of Attraction

Once you understand how the Law of Attraction works, using it to attract money and other forms of abundance is really easy to do - or it SEEMS like it should be easy.  Just decide what you want, visualize it, say a few affirmations and watch it drop into your lap.
Whoops, it doesn't always work that way, does it?
How do you attract money and abundance anyway? It's very much like putting a puzzle together. All of the pieces are already there, but you need to put them together in a specific way in order to see the big picture.
If the pieces are out of place, or if you try to jam them in sideways, what happens? Nothing.
It works the same way when people try to attract money using the Law of Attraction - if they're not putting all the pieces together in the right way - nothing happens.

Has this been your experience with the Law of Attraction?
  • Have you been able to attract SOME money, but not quite enough?
  • Have you been able to attract substantial amounts but not on a consistent basis? 
If so, read on because I'm going to share some insights into why this happens.
By the way, this happens even to people who are well versed in using the Law of Attraction! It's not just beginners who struggle! No matter how much you KNOW on an intellectual level, you can still get it wrong when you put it into action.
However, you'll be glad to know that even when you seem to be hopelessly blocked, all that's usually required is a few easy tweaks in your approach and the blockages dissolve.

Common Mistakes People Make in Attracting Money

Did you know that there are common mistakes that people make when attempting to attract money and other forms of abundance?
Some of these mistakes are:
  • Getting frustrated with their current circumstances so they keep focusing on lack.
  • Constantly "looking" at their current circumstances to see if anything has changed yet.
  • Being inconsistent with the techniques and time they put in to the process.
  • Giving 90% of their focus to things they DON'T want, and 10% to things they DO want.
  • Doubting that they have what it takes to attract more money. 

Unfortunately, most people have no idea they are doing these things - and they ultimately conclude that the Law of Attraction doesn't work and give up.
Have you done this? Or are you about to give up now?
You'll be glad to know that mastering your ability to attract money and abundance is a simple matter of learning how to master your own thoughts. Let's go over the basics for attracting money with the Law of Attraction so you can see how it works:

How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

The Law of Attraction is described as a universal force that responds to your energetic "signal" - which is a mixture of your dominant thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
The general concept is:
  • If most of your thoughts are "positive" you will get back mostly positive experiences.
  • If most of your thoughts are "negative" you will get back mostly negative experiences. 

Notice above I said "GENERAL" - and that's because you don't have to specifically think about something in order to attract it - your thoughts just have to be aligned with events of that frequency (or events of that "nature").
For example:
Problems, financial obstacles, and turmoil are compatible with a "negative" frequency.
Joy, abundance, love, and happiness are compatible with a more "positive" frequency.

Here's the basic manifestation process in a nutshell:
  • Every thought you think is MAGNETIC - and will attract other corresponding thoughts.

  • Every thought you think triggers a corresponding FEELING.
  • Your feelings emit a "SIGNAL" to the universe.
  • The universe returns EXPERIENCES that are aligned with that signal.
  • Which triggers more corresponding thoughts and feelings, and the cycle continues. 
Do you see how it would be possible to get "stuck" repeating the same negative cycles over and over again for years?
The more you think about the negativity, the more negative you feel, and the more negative you feel, the more negative experiences the universe will keep sending - which makes you think and feel more negatively - on and on it goes!

Breaking the Cycle of Lack and Scarcity

In order to start attracting money (and other forms of abundance) into your life, you need to become more aligned with abundance than lack, which basically means STOP FOCUSING on lack and scarcity, and START FOCUSING on abundance.
Easier said than done, right!?
But it doesn't have to be hard if you start with one thought at a time.
  • Rather than investing your energy into worrying about how you're going to pay the bills, you can CHOOSE to believe that the money will come.
  • Rather than feeling angry that your circumstances are so difficult right now, you can eagerly look forward to things getting better and better. 

Yes, it definitely takes practice to get the hang of this!
That's because your thoughts are magnetic so they will keep attracting like thoughts. For a little while you will still keep thinking thoughts of lack and struggle simply because that's what you're used to doing. Thoughts like this will just keep popping back into your mind so it seems like you are not in control of it.
But if you keep at it, little by little you will tip the balance and thinking more positive thoughts will get easier.

"Seeing" a Better Reality 

Visualization can be really helpful in shifting your thoughts from lack to abundance, and you don't have to spend a lot of time on it either - just 10 or 15 minutes a day can make a huge difference in attracting better experiences.
How exactly do you "visualize" more abundance?
Visualization refers to seeing images in your mind, but you may be surprised to know that when it comes to the Law of Attraction you don't necessarily have to "see" anything to get results.
The only thing that matters is that you FEEL the essence of what you are visualizing.
For example, if you were visualizing your dream home, you would probably imagine what it looked like, how the rooms were laid out, how the land looked, and so on. But even if you couldn't form mental pictures of how it looked - you could still easily FEEL what it would be like to be there, right?
You would probably feel very peaceful, comfortable, relaxed, happy, carefree, joyful, and so on.
It works the same if you were to imagine having plenty of money. What would that FEEL like to you? Would you feel excitedSecureHappyFulfilledFree?
When you consistently spend time each day tuning into these feelings, you become receptive to the means and resources to make these feelings REAL in your physical surroundings.

 also work in a similar way.
As you recite phrases related to having abundance, wealth and prosperity, you begin to feel more abundant, wealthy and prosperous - which should begin attracting more of that reality to you.

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